Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Plankton is a very small organism that lives in the ocean. Plankton does not have the ability to swim against currents. Plankton is so very important because it rules the food web. Without plankton, nothing would be alive or surviving in the ocean. We went down to the Kihei Boat ramp and towed the nets in the water for 5 minutes, dumped the water into our sample bottles and then saved then until the next day so that we could look at them through the proscope. Also while we were down there we used the refractometer to find the silinity in the ocean and used a thermometer to find the temperature. By doing these samples and write ups, it showed that there are more of an abundance of copepods that anything in the ocean at our 2 spots we tested. It shows that there were more plankton in Kihei at the boat ramp than at Ho'okipa Beach.

1 comment:

Ms. V said...

Nice work Kui! Like the pictures and graph! Great intro information too. Can you tell us a little bit about what your resuls told you? Otherwise great start and can't wait to see more! Ms. V